The 1st Part of ICAO CORSIA Introduction:-
CORSIA_Seminar_1. Introduction_ver04
The 2nd Part of ICAO CORSIA Seminar. CORSIA emissions coverage and what happens to new Airline entrants:-
CORSIA_Seminar_2. CORSIA and Resolution A39-3 (Part 1)_ver05
The 3rd Part of ICAO CORSIA Seminar. CORSIA baseline calculation and specifics about ICAO’s participating members:-
CORSIA_Seminar_3. CORSIA and Resolution A39-3 (Part 2)_ver06
The 4th Part of ICAO CORSIA Seminar. This cover the essentials for how the Monitoring, Reporting and Verifyings of CORSIA emissions will be conducted:-
CORSIA_Seminar_4. CORSIA MRV System_ver06
All copyright belongs to ICAO for the CORSIA documents.