A helping hand from nature, until industry finds a solution ………
ETS Aero Ltd have partnered with Mere Plantations Limited to bring to market a turnkey solution for aviation carbon emissions for future compliance to ICAO’s Global Market Based Measure CORSIA. ETS Aero’s MRV Hub is an innovative secure software platform for the...

UN’s ICAO historically agrees to a Global Market Based Measure for Aviation Emissions
A landmark global aviation emission reduction scheme was passed by the U.N’s International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) on Thursday 6th of October. The agreement which has been hailed as the first of its kind for a global industry to reduce emissions within its sector has been marked as an historical moment.

Air Passenger Duty
What is Air Passenger Duty ?
APD is an excise duty which is due on chargeable passengers being carried from a UK airport on chargeable aircraft. From 1 April 2013 APD has been extended to apply to passengers carried on board aircraft of 5.7 tonnes or more, irrespective of whether they were carried for a fee.
Emission Accord Grinds on Slowly
30/08/2013 Provided by flightglobal.com Global agreement on market based measures (MBM) to deal with aviation emissions cannot be reached by September when ICAO meets for its triennial assembly, according to a group of experts addressing an EBACE open session on the...
UNFCCC Executive Secretary addresses attendees at Carbon Expo 2013
30/08/2013 Carbon Expo Barcelona, 29 May 2013 Statement by Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Dear friends, It is wonderful to be at the 10th Carbon Expo. I would like to thank and congratulate IETA, the...
PICK OF THE MONTH: NASA asks aspiring astronauts to write poetry
30/08/2013 Science Recorder | Delila James | Among all the medical texts, rigorous background checks, qualifications requirements, and essay questions, the eight new astronauts recently chosen by NASA were also asked to write poetry. Yesterday (Aug. 20), one of the...
China’s New Carbon Emissions Trading System
30/08/2013 Carbon emissions trading will start in China at pilot sites in July 2013 for major emitters of greenhouse gases (GHGs), and organizations in other industries should prepare for a national emissions trading system that could start as early as 2015. As part...
Barack Obama urged to act on deal for global aviation pollution
30/08/2013 Member of European parliament wants US president to live up to climate change rhetoric by helping to advance carbon deal Barack Obama must act fast to avoid a trade war over Europe's efforts to curb airline's carbon pollution, a key member of the European...
ETS.aero Fuel Use and Emissions Estimator
30/08/2013 Under European legislation, it's now a requirement for aircraft operators to monitor and report their green house gas emission for flights within the European Union. The directive 2008/101/EC of the European Parliament and Council forms the guidelines...