Our partnership approach allows us to work closely with our clients. Understanding your business requirements from the beginning helps us to deliver the most efficient and cost effective solution tailored to your needs.
Our clients range from Government Departments, Aircraft Manufacturers, Airline and Business Jet Operators.
Turnkey software solutions for;
- Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of greenhouse gas emissions from the aviation industry, GUARANTEEING compliance to all national and international emission regulations including EU ETS, ICAO’s CORSIA and all UN State Domestic Schemes.
- Carbon Registry, Carbon Exchange and Carbon Offset Project modules for Government Departments.
- ISO 14065 – Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- ISO 14064 – Design, Development, Management and Quantification of Green House Gas Emission Projects
Regulatory or Voluntary, Emissions Trading or CORSIA. Whatever the requirement we have direct access to;
- Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM) and Voluntary Carbon Standards (VCS)
- Carbon Volume Purchase Club
Consultation and guidance for airline and government departments for;
- Implementation of Emission Trading and ICAO CORSIA Systems
- Current and future global legislative requirements
Government Agency and Airline –
Why not request a training day from our industry experts alternatively if you have an industry event that requires specialized knowledge of national or international emission legislations and associated national Emissions Trading Systems or ICAO’s CORSIA, our group speakers are available to assist you with your requirement